Tuesday 1 November 2011

Week 3 in Hangzhou!

Hi everyone! Just another update!

A few interesting things this week, my work has started to get pretty serious, the pressure has started to pile on.

I got contacted by the website engineer, who provided me with access to the FTP server holding the website files. He also gave me a list of software to obtain to be able to work on the website. Rain, our technician, helped me acquire this software. So now i have my laptop kitted out with a copy of Dreamweaver, FTP, and MySQL. I have had some VERY basic practice with MySQL at university, this is a completely different tier altogether, and I have never used Dreamweaver before. The task set before is is scary actually, Karl would like me to remake the entire Chinese website to mirror the New York website. There is going to be a staggering amount of testing, research, and general messing about to try and learn this software before I can even begin to attempt a website this important. I thought normally there were website design teams that maintained and made websites for multimillion dollar companies, its a little unnerving having all of that set on my shoulders. But I will try my best! It would be fantastic to go back home saying, "hey, look at this website for this big company, yeah, I made that", it would look fantastic on paper too.

I think next week, I will be meeting a Korean woman and her 11 year old daughter, who wants me to teach her English! Monica, who sits beside me at work, helped arrange the whole thing. She asked if I would be interested, and I thought, well hey, why not, I mean I am here to try new things, so what's the worst that could happen? After meeting her, I will try and find out how sturdy her knowledge of English is, and try to come up with a suitable method for teaching. Then I will let you all know!

Things at work are fine, I am working away, and able to get myself to and from work no problems. I can go home in the evening where I can get some dinner, then relax for a while, or go for a walk before bed. I am feeling a lot more comfortable with my environment. I do plan to go out and expose myself to raw China though... so watch this space...

Catch you all later!


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